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Sometime, I thought where actually a line exists between an explanation and an excuse. I always wonder how can a man distinguish between an excuses an explanation. what are actually are the parameters. Whenever person commits a mistake the one is called for explanation, and the explanation is explanation till it is accepted( if they convinced). But as soon as it gets rejected he/she will be accused of giving excuses. Are all false explanations are excuses ……………..

The second thought which came to my mind is that they generally accept or reject any explanation on the basis that is it a good enough reason to commit a mistake or not. That again is little flawed.

Once I heard a teacher telling student that ” I don’t take Excuses”; what does it mean. This line really hurts that student a lot. It looks simply that you think everyone is theif, so you are accusing him/her without giving him/her a chance to defend himself.

So, I am still bewildering about it……………………..Can’t help