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One of the earliest explanations of the origin of agriculture was proposed by G. Childe, in his idea of “Neolithic revolution.” According to Childe, drought and supply shortage stimulated food production in oases. Later, demographic agency has been put forward as a necessary background of transition to the productive economy (L. Binford), alongside a wide spectrum of social and ecological factors (R. Braidwood, K. Flannery, C. Renfrew, V. Masson, V. Shnirelman, L. White, and many others). Today, most researchers tend to interpret the origin of agriculture as the inevitable response to a crisis in the traditional hunter-gatherer economy and the necessity of securing a subsistence system in a new ecological situation. Alongside a disparity of natural resources and human needs, other factors contributed to the origin of agriculture, such as presence of plants suitable for cultivation and human knowledge about the biological peculiarities of these plants.


Mechanisms and Chronology

The mechanisms and chronology of the origin of agriculture traditionally are conceptualized throughout several binary oppositions existing in prehistoric science for the last two centuries. Monocentric versus polycentric paradigms are rivals when discussing the place of plant cultivation origin; in the frameworks of each theory, revolutionary versus evolutionary views coexist. At the same time, in different case studies, early farming has been interpreted as fundamental to late prehistoric population subsistence system or only as an additional food supply alongside hunting, gathering, and fishing.


Today, agriculture dissemination over the world is considered a long-lasting process that was generated independently in several regions (primary loci), starting around 9,000 BC (“effective” village stage, Jarmo culture of the Middle East). Harvest collecting arose from seed gathering. The earliest evidences of plant domestication are traces at Natufian settlements of Palestine, Shanidar, and Ali Kosh (in present-day Iran and Iraq) and are dated about 9000 BC to 7000 BC.


Seven primary loci of agriculture origin, huge areas where the transition to an agricultural mode of life was based on a complex of cultural plants, have been distinguished by Soviet geneticist N. Vavilov:

1. East Mediterranean locus, or Fertile Crescent (Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, Turkey); 9000–7000 BC; wheat, barley, rye.

2. South Asian locus (southern China, southeastern India, and southeastern Asia); 7000–5000 BC; rice, tuberousals.

3. East Asian locus (Mongolia, Amour region, northern China); 7000–5000 BC; Chinese millet, beans.

4. Sahara and Sudan; 4000–3000 BC; pearl millet, sorghum.

5. Guinea and Cameroon; 4000–2000 BC; yams, beans, oil-bearing palms.

6. Mesoamerican locus (central and southern Mexico); 9000–4000 BC; maize, amaranth, string beans, pumpkins, peppers, garden trees.

7. Andean locus (Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia); 7000–5000 BC; potatoes and sweet potatoes, manioc, amaranth.


The historical significance and economic consequences of the development of agriculture are connected, first of all, with the cyclical character and long-lasting effects resulting from the regularities of land cultivation and harvesting. Improvement of such activity required the formation of a settled mode of life, the concept of land as property, and labor division in its social (gender, age) as well as seasonal forms. These tendencies led to the transformation of the whole system of social distribution of food supply and material valuables of the society. The possibility of obtaining predictable excess of the products gave the opportunity (or even necessity) for its holders (“big men”) to organize ritual ceremonies (potlach), which resulted in the growth of their importance in the community. A so-called prestige  economy led to the formation of property and social inequality and, in turn, to the formation of social classes, exploitation, and political organization.


Transition to the settled mode of life required the formation of many sorts of household activities necessary to secure the livelihood of early farmers. The origins of ceramic production, spinning, weaving, advanced tool production technique and means of transportation, and other phenomena are connected with the needs of a new form of production. First, the negative consequences of early farming (environment pollution, forest reduction, soil deterioration, infections, and epidemics) also could be traced as early as the Neolithic. Agriculture improvement necessarily accompanied with development of rational knowledge in the field of plant biology and soil peculiarities; weather prediction and first calendars have been elaborated at that time.


A new form of ideology was required to accommodate the new form of production and secure its repetition by following generations. Fertility cults and cosmogony and the beginning of deification of elements of nature coincided with the advent of agriculture. The diversity and global character of the historical consequences of the transition to agriculture, and its deep influence on all spheres of human life, are reasons to consider this phenomenon as the background for the “wide-spectrum revolution” theory proposed by K. Flannery.



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justice!!!! what is justice this question time and again hunt us. Do we really know what justice means, or we just pretend. Do we really want to know what justice means or we just get the notion that justice is that which comes in our favour. For many of us Justice is ‘self fulfilling prophrcy’. Neither we want to know about it nor we accpt it. for us justice is what we think and what suits to us or what stisfies us….

In this context I am presenting some dialogues here, which  shows the common thinking about justice..

These are the dialogues between Mater and his humnely disciple;

Moments before Master and his disciple were attacked, discussed a premonition of the attack:

Disciple: Will it be today?

Master: I think so, my son. Are you afraid?

Disciple: Oh, no. Not if we have time to fight. All I want is the chance to strike a few blows first; so I shan’t have done nothing but receive them all my life. If I can kill one Norman first—just one, I don’t want much—one for one, that will seem fair and right enough to me.

Master: (With a kindly smile) Are you so very set on killing one?

Disciple: One for one. After that I don’t much care if I am just a grain of sand in the machine. Because I know that by putting more and more grains of sand in the machine, one day it will come grinding to a stop.

Master: (Gently) And on that day, what then?

Disciple: We’ll set a fine, new, well-oiled machine in the place of the old one and this time we’ll put the them into it instead.

That’s what justice means, isn’t it?

Master: (Smiles and does not answer).

But justice doesn’t mean that, Justice means healing, and reconciling, and showing mercy even though the other person have shown none.” But the discomforting truth is that in our world justice does indeed mean what the disciple thinks it means. It is indeed just that a wrongdoer be punished. And that being so, striking back at the oppressor. and the oppressor’s due. This becomes the vicious cycle one killing the other, all in the name of justice. One might wish there were more to justice than the scale.


To invoke justice is the same thing as banging on the table: an emotional expression which turns one’s demand into an absolute postulate . . . . It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a man who mobilizes “justice,” because he says nothing that can be argued for or against. His words are persuasion, not argument. The ideology of justice leads to implacability and conflict, since on the one hand it incites to the belief that one’s demand is not merely the expression of a certain interest in conflict with opposing interests, but that it possesses a higher, absolute validity; and on the other hand it precludes all rational argument and discussion of a settlement.



As Schopenhauer says:

The difference between the inflicter of suffering and he who must endure it is only phenomenon, and does not concern the thing-in-itself which is the will that lives in both. Deceived by the knowledge bound to its service, the will here fails to recognize itself; seeking enhanced well-being in one of its phenomena, it produces great suffering in another. Thus in the fierceness and intensity of its desire it buries its teeth in its own flesh, not knowing that it always injures only itself, revealing  in this form through the medium of individuation the conflict with itself which it bears in its inner nature. Tormentor and tormented are one. The former is mistaken in thinking that he does not share the torment, the latter in thinking he does not share the guilt



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Truth- – In Gandhiji’s words

WHAT…is Truth? A difficult question; but I have solved it for myself by saying that it is what

the voice within tells you. How then, you ask, [do] different people think of different and

contrary truths? Well, seeing that the human mind works through innumerable media and that the

evolution of the human mind is not the same for all, it follows that what may be truth for one

may be untruth for another …

It is because we have at the present moment everybody claiming the right of conscience without

going through any discipline whatsoever, and there is so much untruth being delivered to a

bewildered world. All that I can in true humility present to you is that Truth is not to be found by

anybody who has not got an abundant sense of humility. If you would swim on the bosom of the

ocean of Truth, you must reduce yourself to a zero.

Truth and Love–ahimsa–is the only thing that counts. Where this is present, everything rights

itself in the end. This is a law to which there is no exception.

To see the universal and all-pervading spirit of Truth face to face one must be able to love the

meanest of creation as oneself.

Truth resides in every human heart, and one has to search for it there, and to be guided by truth

as one sees it. But no one has a right to coerce others to act according to his own view of truth.


Truth and Love–ahimsa–is the only thing that counts. Where

this is present, everything rights itself in the end.



Two Management stories


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Story # 1


A lion is sitting outside his cave, lying lazily in the sun. Along comes a fox, out on a walk.

Fox: “Do you know the time, because my watch is broken” Lion: “Oh, I can easily fix the watch for you”

Fox: “Hmm… But it’s a very complicated mechanism, and your big claws will only destroy it even more“


Lion: “Oh no, give it to me, and it will be fixed”

Fox: “That’s ridiculous! Any fool knows that lazy lions with great claws cannot fix complicated watches”

Lion: “Sure they do, give it to me and it will be fixed”


The lion disappears into his cave, and after a while he comes back with the watch which is running perfectly. The fox is impressed, and the lion continues to lie lazily in the sun, looking very pleased with himself.


Wolf: “Can I come and watch TV tonight with you, because mine is broken” Lion: “Oh, I can easily fix your TV for you”

Wolf: “You don’t expect me to believe such rubbish, do you? There is no way that a lazy lion with big claws can fix a complicated TV“

Lion: “No problem. Do you want to try it?”


The lion goes into his cave, and after a while comes back with a perfectly fixed TV. The wolf goes away happily and amazed.


Inside the lion’s cave. In one corner are half a dozen small and intelligent looking rabbits who are busily doing very complicated work with very detailed instruments. In the other corner lies a huge lion looking very pleased with himself.






Story # 2


It’s a fine sunny day in the forest and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter. Along comes a fox, out for a walk.

Fox: “What are you working on?”

Rabbit: “My thesis.” Fox: “Hmm… What is it about?”

Rabbit: “Oh, I’m writing about how rabbits eat foxes.” Fox: “That’s ridiculous ! Any fool knows that rabbits don’t eat foxes!”


Rabbit: “Come with me and I’ll show you!” They both disappear into the rabbit’s burrow. After few minutes, gnawing on a fox bone, the rabbit returns to his typewriter and resumes typing. Soon a wolf comes along and stops to watch the hardworking rabbit.

Wolf: “What’s that you are writing?” Rabbit: “I’m doing a thesis on how rabbits eat wolves.”

Wolf: “you don’t expect to get such rubbish published, do you?”

Rabbit: “No problem. Do you want to see why?” The rabbit and the wolf go into the burrow and again the rabbit returns by himself, after a few minutes, and goes back to typing.


Finally a bear comes along and asks, “What are you doing?

Rabbit: “I’m doing a thesis on how rabbits eat bears.” Bear: “Well that’s absurd!” Rabbit: “Come into my home and I’ll show you”


As they enter the burrow, the rabbit introduces the bear to the lion.





Murder of God


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Once upon a time there was a king who dreamed of murdering God. He called his commander-in-chief and ordered him to murder God because he felt that it is because of God  that he is unable to rule upon earth. His Commander-in-chief bowed his head and said to the Kind – “But he is formless, so he cannot be arrested. Then how can he be killed?”.

The king became angry and said loudly “what is the investigation department doing”? Tell the department to investigate exactly where God is. You fool! It is continuously said about God that he is omnipresent and he exists in everyone. If my order is not followed within one month, you will be hanged”.

The king’s Commander-in-chief went away from the office, but his heart was filled with fear. Hearing the foolish order of the king, he became puzzled. He thought that his end was near. Just then, the Commander thought of a trick. As soon as the stipulated time duration passed, the commander–in-chief came to the king.

The crown full of priceless diamonds on the King’s head was glittering like the Sun. He asked his commander-in-chief while twisting his long moustache – “Have you followed my order or not?”

Bowing his head in honour, the commander-in-chief answered “My King, you have said the truth that God is every where. This means that he is within your as well, without a doubt. To arrest God, I must arrest you first and then to murder God, you must be murdered. How can I follow your order in these circumstances? I am just your servant and I am yours faithfully.”

The king wondered how he could give such a foolish order.

After feeling guilty about passing this foolish order, he said. “Go away from in front of my eyes and do your work.”


हार की जीत


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माँ को अपने बेटे और किसान को अपने लहलहाते खेत देखकर जो आनंद आता है, वही आनंद बाबा भारती को अपना घोड़ा देखकर आता था। भगवद्-भजन से जो समय बचता, वह घोड़े को अर्पण हो जाता। वह घोड़ा बड़ा सुंदर था, बड़ा बलवान। उसके जोड़ का घोड़ा सारे इलाके में न था। बाबा भारती उसे ‘सुल्तान’ कह कर पुकारते, अपने हाथ से खरहरा करते, खुद दाना खिलाते और देख-देखकर प्रसन्न होते थे। उन्होंने रूपया, माल, असबाब, ज़मीन आदि अपना सब-कुछ छोड़ दिया था, यहाँ तक कि उन्हें नगर के जीवन से भी घृणा थी। अब गाँव से बाहर एक छोटे-से मन्दिर में रहते और भगवान का भजन करते थे। “मैं सुलतान के बिना नहीं रह सकूँगा”, उन्हें ऐसी भ्रान्ति सी हो गई थी। वे उसकी चाल पर लट्टू थे। कहते, “ऐसे चलता है जैसे मोर घटा को देखकर नाच रहा हो।” जब तक संध्या समय सुलतान पर चढ़कर आठ-दस मील का चक्कर न लगा लेते, उन्हें चैन न आता।

खड़गसिंह उस इलाके का प्रसिद्ध डाकू था। लोग उसका नाम सुनकर काँपते थे। होते-होते सुल्तान की कीर्ति उसके कानों तक भी पहुँची। उसका हृदय उसे देखने के लिए अधीर हो उठा। वह एक दिन दोपहर के समय बाबा भारती के पास पहुँचा और नमस्कार करके बैठ गया। बाबा भारती ने पूछा, “खडगसिंह, क्या हाल है?”

खडगसिंह ने सिर झुकाकर उत्तर दिया, “आपकी दया है।”

“कहो, इधर कैसे आ गए?”

“सुलतान की चाह खींच लाई।”

“विचित्र जानवर है। देखोगे तो प्रसन्न हो जाओगे।”

“मैंने भी बड़ी प्रशंसा सुनी है।”

“उसकी चाल तुम्हारा मन मोह लेगी!”

“कहते हैं देखने में भी बहुत सुँदर है।”

“क्या कहना! जो उसे एक बार देख लेता है, उसके हृदय पर उसकी छवि अंकित हो जाती है।”

“बहुत दिनों से अभिलाषा थी, आज उपस्थित हो सका हूँ।”

बाबा भारती और खड़गसिंह अस्तबल में पहुँचे। बाबा ने घोड़ा दिखाया घमंड से, खड़गसिंह ने देखा आश्चर्य से। उसने सैंकड़ो घोड़े देखे थे, परन्तु ऐसा बाँका घोड़ा उसकी आँखों से कभी न गुजरा था। सोचने लगा, भाग्य की बात है। ऐसा घोड़ा खड़गसिंह के पास होना चाहिए था। इस साधु को ऐसी चीज़ों से क्या लाभ? कुछ देर तक आश्चर्य से चुपचाप खड़ा रहा। इसके पश्चात् उसके हृदय में हलचल होने लगी। बालकों की-सी अधीरता से बोला, “परंतु बाबाजी, इसकी चाल न देखी तो क्या?”

दूसरे के मुख से सुनने के लिए उनका हृदय अधीर हो गया। घोड़े को खोलकर बाहर गए। घोड़ा वायु-वेग से उडने लगा। उसकी चाल को देखकर खड़गसिंह के हृदय पर साँप लोट गया। वह डाकू था और जो वस्तु उसे पसंद आ जाए उस पर वह अपना अधिकार समझता था। उसके पास बाहुबल था और आदमी भी। जाते-जाते उसने कहा, “बाबाजी, मैं यह घोड़ा आपके पास न रहने दूँगा।”

बाबा भारती डर गए। अब उन्हें रात को नींद न आती। सारी रात अस्तबल की रखवाली में कटने लगी। प्रति क्षण खड़गसिंह का भय लगा रहता, परंतु कई मास बीत गए और वह न आया। यहाँ तक कि बाबा भारती कुछ असावधान हो गए और इस भय को स्वप्न के भय की नाईं मिथ्या समझने लगे। संध्या का समय था। बाबा भारती सुल्तान की पीठ पर सवार होकर घूमने जा रहे थे। इस समय उनकी आँखों में चमक थी, मुख पर प्रसन्नता। कभी घोड़े के शरीर को देखते, कभी उसके रंग को और मन में फूले न समाते थे। सहसा एक ओर से आवाज़ आई, “ओ बाबा, इस कंगले की सुनते जाना।”

आवाज़ में करूणा थी। बाबा ने घोड़े को रोक लिया। देखा, एक अपाहिज वृक्ष की छाया में पड़ा कराह रहा है। बोले, “क्यों तुम्हें क्या कष्ट है?”

अपाहिज ने हाथ जोड़कर कहा, “बाबा, मैं दुखियारा हूँ। मुझ पर दया करो। रामावाला यहाँ से तीन मील है, मुझे वहाँ जाना है। घोड़े पर चढ़ा लो, परमात्मा भला करेगा।”

“वहाँ तुम्हारा कौन है?”

“दुगार्दत्त वैद्य का नाम आपने सुना होगा। मैं उनका सौतेला भाई हूँ।”

बाबा भारती ने घोड़े से उतरकर अपाहिज को घोड़े पर सवार किया और स्वयं उसकी लगाम पकड़कर धीरे-धीरे चलने लगे। सहसा उन्हें एक झटका-सा लगा और लगाम हाथ से छूट गई। उनके आश्चर्य का ठिकाना न रहा, जब उन्होंने देखा कि अपाहिज घोड़े की पीठ पर तनकर बैठा है और घोड़े को दौड़ाए लिए जा रहा है। उनके मुख से भय, विस्मय और निराशा से मिली हुई चीख निकल गई। वह अपाहिज डाकू खड़गसिंह था।बाबा भारती कुछ देर तक चुप रहे और कुछ समय पश्चात् कुछ निश्चय करके पूरे बल से चिल्लाकर बोले, “ज़रा ठहर जाओ।”

खड़गसिंह ने यह आवाज़ सुनकर घोड़ा रोक लिया और उसकी गरदन पर प्यार से हाथ फेरते हुए कहा, “बाबाजी, यह घोड़ा अब न दूँगा।”

“परंतु एक बात सुनते जाओ।” खड़गसिंह ठहर गया।

बाबा भारती ने निकट जाकर उसकी ओर ऐसी आँखों से देखा जैसे बकरा कसाई की ओर देखता है और कहा, “यह घोड़ा तुम्हारा हो चुका है। मैं तुमसे इसे वापस करने के लिए न कहूँगा। परंतु खड़गसिंह, केवल एक प्रार्थना करता हूँ। इसे अस्वीकार न करना, नहीं तो मेरा दिल टूट जाएगा।”

“बाबाजी, आज्ञा कीजिए। मैं आपका दास हूँ, केवल घोड़ा न दूँगा।”

“अब घोड़े का नाम न लो। मैं तुमसे इस विषय में कुछ न कहूँगा। मेरी प्रार्थना केवल यह है कि इस घटना को किसी के सामने प्रकट न करना।”

खड़गसिंह का मुँह आश्चर्य से खुला रह गया। उसका विचार था कि उसे घोड़े को लेकर यहाँ से भागना पड़ेगा, परंतु बाबा भारती ने स्वयं उसे कहा कि इस घटना को किसी के सामने प्रकट न करना। इससे क्या प्रयोजन सिद्ध हो सकता है? खड़गसिंह ने बहुत सोचा, बहुत सिर मारा, परंतु कुछ समझ न सका। हारकर उसने अपनी आँखें बाबा भारती के मुख पर गड़ा दीं और पूछा, “बाबाजी इसमें आपको क्या डर है?”

सुनकर बाबा भारती ने उत्तर दिया, “लोगों को यदि इस घटना का पता चला तो वे दीन-दुखियों पर विश्वास न करेंगे।” यह कहते-कहते उन्होंने सुल्तान की ओर से इस तरह मुँह मोड़ लिया जैसे उनका उससे कभी कोई संबंध ही नहीं रहा हो।

बाबा भारती चले गए। परंतु उनके शब्द खड़गसिंह के कानों में उसी प्रकार गूँज रहे थे। सोचता था, कैसे ऊँचे विचार हैं, कैसा पवित्र भाव है! उन्हें इस घोड़े से प्रेम था, इसे देखकर उनका मुख फूल की नाईं खिल जाता था। कहते थे, “इसके बिना मैं रह न सकूँगा।” इसकी रखवाली में वे कई रात सोए नहीं। भजन-भक्ति न कर रखवाली करते रहे। परंतु आज उनके मुख पर दुख की रेखा तक दिखाई न पड़ती थी। उन्हें केवल यह ख्याल था कि कहीं लोग दीन-दुखियों पर विश्वास करना न छोड़ दे। ऐसा मनुष्य, मनुष्य नहीं देवता है।

रात्रि के अंधकार में खड़गसिंह बाबा भारती के मंदिर पहुँचा। चारों ओर सन्नाटा था। आकाश में तारे टिमटिमा रहे थे। थोड़ी दूर पर गाँवों के कुत्ते भौंक रहे थे। मंदिर के अंदर कोई शब्द सुनाई न देता था। खड़गसिंह सुल्तान की बाग पकड़े हुए था। वह धीरे-धीरे अस्तबल के फाटक पर पहुँचा। फाटक खुला पड़ा था। किसी समय वहाँ बाबा भारती स्वयं लाठी लेकर पहरा देते थे, परंतु आज उन्हें किसी चोरी, किसी डाके का भय न था। खड़गसिंह ने आगे बढ़कर सुलतान को उसके स्थान पर बाँध दिया और बाहर निकलकर सावधानी से फाटक बंद कर दिया। इस समय उसकी आँखों में नेकी के आँसू थे। रात्रि का तीसरा पहर बीत चुका था। चौथा पहर आरंभ होते ही बाबा भारती ने अपनी कुटिया से बाहर निकल ठंडे जल से स्नान किया। उसके पश्चात्, इस प्रकार जैसे कोई स्वप्न में चल रहा हो, उनके पाँव अस्तबल की ओर बढ़े। परंतु फाटक पर पहुँचकर उनको अपनी भूल प्रतीत हुई। साथ ही घोर निराशा ने पाँव को मन-मन भर का भारी बना दिया। वे वहीं रूक गए। घोड़े ने अपने स्वामी के पाँवों की चाप को पहचान लिया और ज़ोर से हिनहिनाया। अब बाबा भारती आश्चर्य और प्रसन्नता से दौड़ते हुए अंदर घुसे और अपने प्यारे घोड़े के गले से लिपटकर इस प्रकार रोने लगे मानो कोई पिता बहुत दिन से बिछड़े हुए पुत्र से मिल रहा हो। बार-बार उसकी पीठपर हाथ फेरते, बार-बार उसके मुँह पर थपकियाँ देते। फिर वे संतोष से बोले, “अब कोई दीन-दुखियों से मुँह न मोड़ेगा।”




This is a symbolism of today’s world what has been happening is just like the crux of this story is only that don’t breach the trust of any relationship, weather it is of Boss and employee, Father and the son, the seller and the buyer or any other relation in the world. Don’t do that. Otherwise, results will be severe. And it’s not only you who will be affected, it would cost a hell lot to the whole world.

True Beauty


, ,

The beauty of a woman
is not in the clothes she may wear,
Nor the way she combs her hair.
The lovely figure that she carries,
Or any innocence before she marries

The beauty of a woman
Is seen in the depth of her eyes
The place where her love resides.
Where the doorway to her heart is seen
If you’re invited in by some lovely colleen

The beauty of a woman
Is where virtue and passion convene
Not in any place she may have been
And not things superficial as a facial mole,
Her true beauty is reflected in her soul.

The beauty of a woman
Is the care and comfort offered to others
And their amazing skill at being mothers
The unselfish loving and giving she shows
Her beauty with passing years, only grows

May Be Because


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Why do i wake up every morning with you in my mind?
even though i know you don’t even remember me..
may be b’cos..
Why do i spend my day every second thinking of you?
though i know you don’t think of me
may be b’cos..
Why do every moment i want see you raising higher & higher
even though i know that i’m going down
may be b’cos..
Why do i live my life wanting to give you every happiness
and doesn’t think of my happiness
may be b’cos..
Why do i breath everyday to wipe away your tears and trying to make you smile
knowing you can’t see the tears falling from me
may be b’cos..
Why do all my dreams are filled with you
when i know you don’t dream of me
may be b’cos..
Why do i always want to listen to you
even when i know you wouldn’t listen to me
may be b’cos..
Why do i always want to be with you
even when i know you’re not with me
may be b’cos..
Every night why do i still wait for a call
knowing there’s nothing between us & you wouldn’t call
may be b’cos..
Why do i still remember you
knowing you have forgotten me
may be b’cos..
Why am i still holding on
when i know i have to let go
may be b’cos..

may be b’cos.. no matter what i’m still in love with you . . .

I Love You


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I feel wonder of your love
It is deeper than this calm sea
It has no limits as the clear sky 
There are no tearful ends can see


When tears cover my heart
When I feel there’s nobody to me
I hear you as my heart beat
Collects my broken hopes to me


Sometimes I am hurting you from words
I am giving to your heart so much pain
Sometimes I am not caring of your words 
But lovingly you are taking me again


You are a river of kindness you are the love
There is no any example in this whole world
You are the real meaning to the adorable love
Mom always you are the strength to my world


Still I feel of you as the very first days
I cried without you
Words are too poor to explain
so much I love you . . .

Author: unknown