End Of Innocence


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Secrets, secrets
Lies, lies
She sits in her room,
and cries and cries.
There’s no more trust
In this girl’s heart.
She finally found out
That life isn’t perfect.
She lived in dreams,
As children often do.
But she crawled out
Into the world everyone knew.
Things that once were.
Happiness once known;
The truth of it all
To her was shown.
Her little heart
Will never trust again.
She’ll never know
A real true friend.
No more trust,
For no more lies.
She’ll sit in her room
And cry and cry

By: Christina Montano



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What is our life? A play of passion, 
Our mirth the music of division, 
Our mother’s wombs the tiring-houses be, 
Where we are dressed for this short comedy. 
Heaven the judicious sharp spectator is, 
That sits and marks still who doth act amiss. 
Our graves that hide us from the setting sun 
Are like drawn curtains when the play is done. 
Thus march we, playing, to our latest rest, 
Only we die in earnest, that’s no jest. 

Author: Sir Walter Raleigh

Deepawali Poem


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Dunes of vapors from crackers rise,
Engulf, as odorous airs resound
Effusing joys to all abound
Pearls of gleams in these autumn nights
Adorn our lives else trite
With sparklers that motley skies
As soaring spirits of powder wander
Let us thank the heavenly might,
In this festive season of lights.

For more Deepawali Poems visit http://www.diwalifestival.org/diwali-poems.html

Diwali Paradox


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Actually, real name of this festival is “Deepawali” but some where everything wents wrong and name of this festival now becomes “Diwali”. It’s called westernisation of Indian festivals as the place of diyas were taken by electic lightening. I think it’s right not to call this festival as Deepawali as we don’t light up deeps on this festival. Instead, it becomes a festival of “spending” 🙂 . So, Deepawali becomes Diwali in right sense. It is same as some one whose name is Sumitra become Sumii. Bcz Sumitra doesn’t exist today. But this year this name “Diwali” makes a quite sense. as on this occassion of diwali. Kaafi logo ka diwala nikal gaya (stock market crash). So, on the right time people are celebrating their “diwala”.

I hope that people don’t want to celebrate Diwali again instead they would prefer Deepawali.

I wish all of you a happy Deepawali.

The way we think


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One day a man came across 3 stonecutters working in a quarry. Each one was cutting out a block of stone. Curious as to what they were doing he asked the first stone cutter what he was doing. “What? Are you blind?” the stone cutter shouted, “Can’t you see, I’m cutting this stupid piece of stone.” Shocked but still no wiser the man turned to the second stonecutter and asked him what he was doing. “I am cutting this block of stone to make sure that it’s sides are straight and smooth so that the builder can build a straight wall.” Feeling a lot better but still not really any wiser the man turned to the third stonecutter, who seemed to be the happiest of the three, and asked him what he was doing. “I am building a cathedral,” the 3rd stonecutter replied.

So, always look at bigger picture, don’t get over concerned about what is happening with “you” only. The key to happiness in life is that to find positive out of your “problems”.

Source: The Working Manager

What are you Doing


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A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?”

The crow answered: ” Sure, why not.”

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

So, Don’t copy what others are doing. all people have their their own limitations. so, know your limitations, don’t do something just because others are surviving by doing that; Bcz they might do but you don’t.

What Some People Do


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Jibber, jabber, gabble, babble,
Crackle, clack and prate.
Twiddle, twaddle, mutter, stutter
Utter, splutter, blate.

Chatter, patter, tattle, prattle,
Chew the rag and crack.
Spiel and spout and spit it out
Tell the world and quack.

Sniffle, snuffle, drawl, bawl,
Snicker, snort and snap.
Bark and buzz and yap and yelp,
Chin and chirp and chat.

Shout and shoot and garble, gasp,
Gab and gag and grown.
Hem and haw and work the jaw,
Grumble, mumble, moan.

Beef and bellyache and bat.
Say a mouthful, squawk!
That is what some people do
When they merely talk.


Satpura ke ghane jangal: Bhawaniprasad Mishra


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Satpuda ke ghane jangal.
Neend mein doobe hue se,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Jhaad oonche aur neeche,
chup khade hain aankh meenche.
Ghaas chup hai, kaas chup hai
mook shaal, palaash chup hai.
Ban sake to dhanso inmein,
dhans na paati hawa jinmein,
Satpuda ke ghane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Sade patte, gale patte,
hare patte, jale patte.
Vanya path ko dhank rahe se,
pank-dal mein pale patte.
Chalo in par chal sako to,
d:alo inko d:al sako to,
yeh ghinaune ghane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Atpati uljhi lataayein,
aaliyon ko kheench khaayein,
pair ko pakdein achaanak,
praan ko kas lein, kanpaayein,
saanp si kaali lataayein,
bala ki paali lataayein,
lata-on ke bane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Makdiyon ke jaal moonh par,
aur sar ke baal moonh par
Machcharon ke dansh waale,
daag kaale-laal moonh par,
vaat jhanjha vahan karte,
chalo itna sahan karte,
kasht se yeh sane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Ajgaron se bhare jangal,
agam, gati se pare jangal
saat-saat pahaad vaale,
bade-chote jhaad waale,
sher waale, baagh waale,
garaj aur dahaad waale,
kamp se kanakane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Jab ki holi paas aati,
sarsaraati ghaas gaati,
aur mahue se lapakti
matt karti baas jaati.
Goonj uthte dhol in ke
geet in ke, bol in ke
satpuda ke gaane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Jaagte angdaaiyon mein
khoh-khaddon, khaaiyon mein.
ghaas paagal, kaas paagal,
shaal aur palash paagal,
lataa paagal, vaat paagal,
daal paagal, paat paagal,
matt murge aur teetar,
in vanon ke koob bheetar.
khitij tak faila hua sa,
mrityu tak maila hua sa,
kshubhda kaali lehar vaala,
mathit unthit zahar vaaala,
meru vaala, shesh vaala,
shambhu aur suresh vaala,
ek saagar jaante ho,
use kaisa maante ho?
theek vaise ghane jangal,
oonghte anmane jangal.

Dhanso in mein dar nahin hai,
maut ka yeh ghar nahin hai
utar kar behte anekon
kal-katha kehte anekon
nadi, nirjahar aur naale,
in vanon ne god paale.
laakh panchi, sau hiran dal,
chaand ke kitne kiran dal
jhoomate ban-phool, faliyaan,
khil rahin agyaat kaliyaan
harit doorva, rakt kisalaya,
poot paavan poorna rasamay.
satpuda ke ghane jangal,
lataon ke bane jangal.



Beautiful picturisation; you can have feel of ” satpura ke ghane jungle”

Badalon ko ghirte dekha hai


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अमल धवल गिरि के शिखरों पर,
बादल को घिरते देखा है।
छोटे-छोटे मोती जैसे
उसके शीतल तुहिन कणों को,
मानसरोवर के उन स्वर्णिम
कमलों पर गिरते देखा है,
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

तुंग हिमालय के कंधों पर
छोटी बड़ी कई झीलें हैं,
उनके श्यामल नील सलिल में
समतल देशों ले आ-आकर
पावस की उमस से आकुल
तिक्त-मधुर बिसतंतु खोजते
हंसों को तिरते देखा है।
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

ऋतु वसंत का सुप्रभात था
मंद-मंद था अनिल बह रहा
बालारुण की मृदु किरणें थीं
अगल-बगल स्वर्णाभ शिखर थे
एक-दूसरे से विरहित हो
अलग-अलग रहकर ही जिनको
सारी रात बितानी होती,
निशा-काल से चिर-अभिशापित
बेबस उस चकवा-चकई का
बंद हुआ क्रंदन, फिर उनमें
उस महान् सरवर के तीरे
शैवालों की हरी दरी पर
प्रणय-कलह छिड़ते देखा है।
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

दुर्गम बर्फानी घाटी में
शत-सहस्र फुट ऊँचाई पर
अलख नाभि से उठने वाले
निज के ही उन्मादक परिमल-
के पीछे धावित हो-होकर
तरल-तरुण कस्तूरी मृग को
अपने पर चिढ़ते देखा है,
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

कहाँ गय धनपति कुबेर वह
कहाँ गई उसकी वह अलका
नहीं ठिकाना कालिदास के
व्योम-प्रवाही गंगाजल का,
ढूँढ़ा बहुत किन्तु लगा क्या
मेघदूत का पता कहीं पर,
कौन बताए वह छायामय
बरस पड़ा होगा न यहीं पर,
जाने दो वह कवि-कल्पित था,
मैंने तो भीषण जाड़ों में
नभ-चुंबी कैलाश शीर्ष पर,
महामेघ को झंझानिल से
गरज-गरज भिड़ते देखा है,
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

शत-शत निर्झर-निर्झरणी कल
मुखरित देवदारु कनन में,
शोणित धवल भोज पत्रों से
छाई हुई कुटी के भीतर,
रंग-बिरंगे और सुगंधित
फूलों की कुंतल को साजे,
इंद्रनील की माला डाले
शंख-सरीखे सुघड़ गलों में,
कानों में कुवलय लटकाए,
शतदल लाल कमल वेणी में,
रजत-रचित मणि खचित कलामय
पान पात्र द्राक्षासव पूरित
रखे सामने अपने-अपने
लोहित चंदन की त्रिपटी पर,
नरम निदाग बाल कस्तूरी
मृगछालों पर पलथी मारे
मदिरारुण आखों वाले उन
उन्मद किन्नर-किन्नरियों की
मृदुल मनोरम अँगुलियों को
वंशी पर फिरते देखा है।
बादल को घिरते देखा है।

This is a Beautiful poem of Bhawani prasad mishra; and on this rainy day, I can recollect the beauty of this